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Why should I donate to the DHF?

The vision of the Dee Howard Foundation (DHF) is to collaborate with community partners to build on the legacy of Dee Howard and other San Antonio aviation pioneers by documenting San Antonio’s proud history of global leadership in the invention of innovative, leading edge aviation and aerospace technology.

Our mission is to develop the minds and skills of the current and future workforce in San Antonio to carry on that tradition by providing the educational and other resources in the San Antonio Region. While the DHF has taken the first steps to implement this vision, much work remains to be done. It requires the constant and sustained attention and involvement of our entire community.

We invite you to join with the DHF and others to help make this vision a reality.

There are many ways you can help, some of which are by sharing your aviation memorabilia, time, ideas, and aviation stories with us, telling others of our work and of this website,posting a link on your website to this website, advising us of upcoming aviation events to be held in the San Antonio Region, or by making a tax deductible donation either directly to one or more of the educational institutions listed on this website under educational resources or by donating to The Dee Howard Foundation Fund at the San Antonio Area Foundation.

Dee Howard used to say "…it is amazing how much you can get done if you don’t care who gets the credit for it…"

Let’s join together as a community to build on the legacies of Dee Howard, Ed Swearingen, and others and maintain San Antonio’s role of global leadership in aviation and aerospace. We thank you for your support and for sharing our vision.

Make a Difference

Donations to The Dee Howard Foundation General Fund

Online Donation


