Pre-K through 12 Initiative
Pre-K through 12 Initiative
The Dee Howard Foundation is an organization dedicated to fostering aviation and aerospace in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (S.T.E.M.) in Pre-K through 12 education programs primarily in schools in the greater San Antonio area whose students are from underserved areas of our community.
DHF Drone Education Initiative
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) are aircraft and associated elements which are operated with no pilot on board (drones). Industries from oil and gas production, to agriculture, architecture, entertainment, real estate, insurance, police, military, and government are using UAS. Schools must modernize and compete to deliver value to the communities they serve. UAM connects the dots for students between the curriculum and employment opportunities in our local Aerospace Industry.
Help us make a difference
Donations to The Dee Howard Foundation Fund are securely managed by San Antonio Area Foundation